
Gospel With the Poor

Thursday, June 13, 2024

7:30 pm

John Wimber once said that the purpose of the Vineyard could be summed up with two words: worship and compassion. Wimber also regularly highlighted Jesus’ mission on earth to “release the oppressed.” As Kingdom-minded people formed through intimacy in worship and by Jesus’ compassion for us, we then embark on this same mission to set things right, especially for the captive, poor and marginalized. It’s in our roots.

Join us as we go through a collection of excerpts and Bible studies compiled and adapted by Vineyard Justice Network from John Wimber’s teachings. It includes 9 chapters complete with scriptures references, stories, study prompts and outreach actions.

Led by Josh & Tina Williams, Robb & Asha Evans, and Sinclair Williams.

Pastoral Care

Discover Ministry


42 Hobart St. New Haven, CT 06511

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